Grid-connected Solution with Battery Storage

Along with energy crisis and soaring inflation, electricity bills increase more and more, while solar costs on the way down after industry transformation and upgrading, now is a better time than ever to save money with solar power and become less reliant on energy retailers and the grid. Battery storage is the future of energy in the home. Whether extending your current system or starting generating power with a complete solar package, Sunerise Energy helps you achieve your goals.

The grid-connected solar power system with battery backup is also called “hybrid solar system” because it combines the advantages of grid-connected solar energy-using clean, renewable solar energy as your main source of electricity and selling the excess electricity to utilities that pass net metering-with the benefits of off-grid solar-when the grid fails, home battery storage can power your critical loads.

How we provide the best solar solutions:

  • Energy Program Evaluation

    Full or segment analysis based on your facility structure, to give the most suitable suggestions about panel model, installation quantity and rough construction layout according to local pricing.

  • Initial Proposal Issuance

    To identify the potential time and cost optimization for project flexibility assessment and suggest the most suitable solar panels for project budget and timeline reference.

  • Technical Guide Release

    Our experienced engineers will release the biunique technical blueprints according to specific site information and detailed project requirements as the project implementation guidance.

  • Approval & Confirmation

    To sign the final contract with the approved project solutions and confirmed accessory lists after further communication on every single project detail, to minimize investment risks and control the ROI at its best.

  • Fulfill Quality Delivery

    To strictly select the quality materials and delivery the quality mass production on time by right of our complete quality control system and professional delivery handling experiences.

  • Ongoing services

    Providing the detailed installation&operation guiding documentations, well-rounded tool kits and dedicated 7*24 services to leverage your business to another level.

Applications cases:

With solar batteries, you’ll never have to worry about your community running out of fuel for a backup power source. And because sunlight is free, you won’t have to shell out tons of money to keep your lights on.


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